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More about insignia

Insignia Energy Ltd (“Insignia”) is a Calgary-based oil and gas exploration development company focused entirely on development of its significant position in the Montney light oil and liquids-rich gas resource play. Insignia was incorporated in Calgary, Alberta, Canada under the Corporate Act (Alberta). The Company’s registered office is located at 800, 520  3 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Insignia’s land holdings consist of 223,000 net acres of light oil and liquids-Rich lands and emerging land blocks at Pouce Coupe, Valhalla and Dixonville. Management estimates a future drilling inventory of >1,000 horizontal well locations.

Insignia's Core Areas:


Insignia focus on the geological montney formation. The structure coves approx 130,000-square-kilometer (52,000-square-mile) region that straddles the border between northern Alberta and British Columbia (BC). 

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